Friday, July 25, 2014

The Nature of Now - The Swamp Excerpt

Excerpt from The Swamp by Anne Senstad. 
Created for the exhibition The Sugarcane Labyrinth
a Prospect 3 Satellite curated by Pamala Bishop. 
Music by JG Thirlwell. 

3.40 min

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Daedalus, father of artists and architects. 
The inventor of the labyrinth, who fashioned 
wings for himself and his son Icarus, 
embodied the traits that should inform 
the works of artists and architects; 
imagination, inventiveness and technical ability. 

Photo © Anne Senstad

Consolation of Philosophy

De consolatione philosophiae (Consolation of Philosophy)

In five books, Boethius converses with a female 
personification of philosophy,who appears to 
offer him consolation; “You are playing with me,” I said, 
“by weaving a labyrinthine argument from which I cannot escape. 
You seem to begin where you ended and end where 
you began. Are you perhaps making a marvelous 
circle of divine simplicity?”

Book III, prose 12 , Verse 96
Anicius Manulius Severinius Boethius (ca 480-524 CE)

Photo © Anne Senstad
Photo © Anne Senstad


Land use is personal, political, and industrial, but 
it is also contextual. For example, a sixth generation 
land-dweller, an oil and gas executive, and the worker 
of a river barge on the Mississippi utilize the same
landscape, but often with disparate interests, making
it difficult to elucidate shared definitions of value, 
ownership, and interconnectedness. As corporate 
encroachment and aggregate industry denature 
local communities, elegiac documentation suggests 
we must look to the future implications of land misuse. 
It is imperative that we ask ourselves who the changes 
are affecting and what remains to be lost?

Photos by Anne Senstad

Music and Labyrinths

Musical labyrinths lead the listener into new keys 
by way of numerous modulations, misleading 
them with enharmonic chords. The title of 
Johann Sebastien Bach’s Kleines Harmonisches 
Labyrinth composed in 1705, alludes to the 
sustained state of disorientation that is 
induced on it’s listeners.

Photo © Anne Senstad